How To Trim & Maintain Your Beard

Most men pay a barber to trim their beards and oftentimes, that is not the best option. Everyone’s face shape and beard pattern are unique and the average barber will not consider these factors. Save the extra charge at the barber and learn how to trim your beard at home to get the perfect beard every time.
Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you think, and lucky for you, we’re here to help you avoid the inevitable mistakes that come with trial and error.
Tools For Trimming
Before you begin, you should be prepared. Grooming products will be your best ROI for your appearance. We have curated a list of the essential tools you will need to trim your beard at home.
A quality boar bristle brush will be your best tool to manipulate your beard hair. Use this brush to shape your beard while styling and before a trim.
A comb is more beneficial for a medium to long beard so if you plan on maintaining a short beard, you can skip this item. The key here is to avoid plastic and opt for a wooden comb. Plastic combs can cause skin irritation and pull hairs. We recommend a double-sided wooden comb with both wide and narrow teeth.
Another tool that is more beneficial for medium to long beards, a high-quality pair of scissors is absolutely essential to the perfect trim.
Electric Trimmer
The electric trimmer is the most important tool for your beard. This is the workhorse of your grooming toolkit so invest in a high-quality trimmer such as the Brio Beardscape.
Beard Oil
Restore softness and shine by conditioning your beard with a quality 100% natural beard oil.
Learn Your Face Shape
Human face shapes fall into 7 categories. Square, Rectangle, Round, Oval, Diamon, Triangular, and heart-shaped. Based on which category you fall into dictates which beard styles and lengths would look best. The Bearded Chap has a great article that breaks down face shapes and the beard styles that correlate with each.
Once you have discovered your own unique face shape, it’s time to find a beard style that matches your face shape and the look you’re going for. Use resources like Pinterest to find specific beard styles that you like and use it as a reference when you trim your beard.
When To Trim
If you have a short beard, your trimming schedule will be much more personalized based on how fast your beard grows and the length that you prefer. Use your judgment and you will find the perfect schedule for you.
For those that want a medium to long beard, it is important to allow your beard to grow to a certain baseline before you start shaping. We recommend letting your beard grow for at least a month before your first full trim. You can clean up your neckline as needed.
Once your beard has reached the length you like, a weekly maintenance trim is required.
How To Trim A Short Beard
For shorter beards, the lines that create the shape of the beard are the most important part of your trim. Focus on your neckline and cheek line.
Brush to Shape
Brush all of your beard hair down to lay flat.
Put your pointer finger and middle finger together and hold them just above your Adam’s apple. Use this as a guide for where to trim your neckline. Tilt your head back slightly and, using your electric trimmers, start trimming from the corner of your jaw and follow your natural jawline. The goal here is to create a defined line and remove all of the neck hair under that line.
Cheek Line
Keep this line as high as possible, this will look the most natural. Using your fingers, pull your cheeks up gently upwards to tighten the skin and trim the fly-away hairs away.
How To Trim A Long Beard
Comb/Brush to Shape
Comb all of the tangles from your beard. Brush your beard to your desired shape to find the spots that need to be trimmed.
Trim the Bulk
Use your electric trimmers. If this is your first time trimming your beard, start with a higher setting than you think you need. Try shorter settings until you hear your hair being trimmed. Go over your entire beard ensuring to go with the grain (down towards neck) to take off the bulk.
Cut to Length
Look forward and trim straight back from your jawline towards your neck using short, slow strokes. For this part, you have the option of using trimming scissors or electric trimmers.
Put your pointer finger and middle finger together and hold them just above your Adam’s apple. Use this as a guide for where to trim your neckline. Tilt your head back slightly and, using your electric trimmers, start trimming from the corner of your jaw and follow your natural jawline. The goal here to create a defined line and remove all of the neck hair under that line.
Cheek Line
Keep this line as high as possible, this will look the most natural. Using your fingers, pull your cheeks up gently upwards to tighten the skin and trim the fly-away hairs away.
Comb your mustache straight down and use your trimming scissors to clean up any hairs that fall below the lip line.
Brush your beard into your desired shape and use the trimming scissors to clip and fly-away hairs that stick out from the rest. Use beard oil or beard balm to hold the shape and prevent itching and drying.
General Maintenance
Washing your face daily with a true cleanser will rid your skin of dirt and oils. Be sure to complement your face wash with a moisturizer that contains SPF to rehydrate and protect your skin from the sun. Top this off with beard oil to replenish the natural oils your beard requires.
Often overlooked, hair and skin health plays a vital role in beard appearance and growth. Using a proper Grooming Routine will establish your perfect baseline.
Beard trimming will quickly turn from intimidating to enjoyable when you begin to perfect your technique. You will start to look forward to your trimming routine and it will pay off in the form of a perfect beard.
Now that you have the knowledge, apply it!